Yeah, I plan to scale it once I get it n hand to measure. But I would also like to go off the shelf sizes. Like I’m hoping those corner post scale up to 4x4 and that the slide rails are 2x6s
- bill 2-10-2021 9:52 am

Scaled up with standard board thicknesses makes sense.

- steve 2-10-2021 7:26 pm [add a comment]

I’ll outsource the ladder and get them to route the round hole in the plywood. I don't have the tools or skills for that.  First version will be pine. Perhaps do a second one in maple or leave that option open pending interest.

- bill 2-11-2021 4:30 am [add a comment]

- Skinny 2-12-2021 9:59 am [add a comment]

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