as they came down the pike nothing really registered as outstanding. so no post. the committee process is pretty hard to relate to from the outside.

im not a big lotec fan. (but thanks.) they and alot of the rest of the container-architects are well represented with good links on fabprefab. thats a website branch of dwell magazine. the problem with architects getting involved and staying involved with the housing product is that it really runs the price up needlessly. What I was hoping to see develop are designs for ultra cheep disaster relief housing (housing shortage is a type of disaster) that would last and still be world class design. lotec builds pavillions for trade shows that for me just dont look splendid or convey comfort. one of the posters on the fabprefab message board constantly waxes on the beauty of 8' by 40' of brown rust. Im down with that.

- bill 2-11-2004 1:55 am

Perfect. Yes. I love the drive back to Manahattan from Newark for that very rust container view. And thanks for the Dwell link.
- anonymous (guest) 2-11-2004 2:17 am [add a comment]

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