I guess I am just a grazer. and I certainly am enjoying your blog. (what is 'fake' about it?).
But I have been following Zaha Hadid’s career and I think her language is completely unique and inspiring (to some). She gets a bad rap largely because she has a temper and is a woman. Would there even be a poll like this if we were talking about Frank Gehry or Rem Koolhaas (actually I wonder if there was when they won)? The architectural profession is pretty male dominated - if I can generalize - it seems that crowd specifically is driven in critique by jealousy. I feel a bit like we are watching the Martha trial of architecture.

- selma 3-25-2004 8:01 pm

voting is at 33 "yes" to 28 "no." See, I really have no idea what I am talking about...
- selma 3-25-2004 8:14 pm [add a comment]

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