i didnt like the front fascade of that ando at all but thought the inside was great, scale and all, but especially all the sturdy building materials. jim louis is also a texan. we all got the f out of there.

- bill 5-27-2004 8:54 pm

It's not all bad, had a few swell moments, still have some love there.
- jimlouis 5-28-2004 2:56 am [add a comment]

wow, this thread is all over the place. But I like it.
I have a pair of cowboy boots I got when I was thirteen. I was being shipped out to Montana for some clean air (I also had a cool cowboy shirt with faux mother of pearl snap buttons). The boots still fit and sometimes, not often but sometimes, when I am feeling a bit vulnerable I wear them - they make me feel a bit tougher, a bit more prepared to face the world.
I didn't know I have been talking with so many texans.
I like ya'll.
I am a bit of a parrot in that when I travel I tend to pick up momentary accents. Southern is a good one - and one I seem not to be able to resist.
Ando –I just think he was not meant to do Texas BIG (my one lasting impression of my two days was "everything is so darn' BIG"). I felt his details - for which I admire his work - got lost. The footprint of the building was strange too. Did you drive around the back? Inside, I found the circulation disconcerting. Martin Puryear’s piece looked terrific in the space.

- selma 5-28-2004 6:28 pm [add a comment]

thanks for lettin' us talk at you.

- bill 5-28-2004 7:23 pm [add a comment]

  • speaking of talking, thought I would say I will be traveling for a little while and doubt I will have access to a computer.
    Take care now y'all hear.
    - selma 5-28-2004 9:15 pm [add a comment]

  • safe returns.
    - bill 5-28-2004 9:38 pm [add a comment]

  • will miss you Selma! check in.
    - sally mckay 5-28-2004 10:32 pm [add a comment]

  • Vaya con dios
    - jimlouis 5-29-2004 3:26 am [add a comment]

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