arg. bill I agree with selma and tom - I can't read this page for the arduous horizontal scrolling. but I do love both the picture and the topic. Copied all the posts to bbedit and read them there. whew. that was too much work. However. BILL! Dogtown and Z Boyz is awesome. being an old lady, I loved the documentary background on those pretty skate-boys and their antics. Two highlights from the film:
First: the danger-surf zone: abandoned amusement park underwater. It's only for the hardcore, deathwish downandouters. perfect. Second: the drought which emptied backyard pools which started A: kids taking over other people's back yards and B: the half-pipe.

Also everybody's hair looked great in that film. Nice when current historical cultural trends (such as this) have nerds hanging around with cameras to catch it all for posterity. yay.

I am currently(slowly, very slowly) learning to skateboard as part of our self-imposed mental-health/PE program at work. Two days ago I crashed into a parked car but luckily it did not have an armed alarm. Today I figured out how to turn. that's big. I'm chuffed beyond belief.

- sally mckay 6-18-2004 11:29 am

i think people keep their trucks to tight these days. try and loosen them a little and it will help you carv around a little more. or not.

- bill 6-21-2004 6:48 pm [add a comment]

I think trucks are totally interesting and cool looking. I also think that,attached to a simple board, they could kill me faster than any other simple machines I can think of. That said, I have been slowly progressing. No more crashes. And I've sucessfully pushed off three times without stopping or losing balance. But the walls of the gallery are a bit dinged at ankle height + 3 inches.
- sally mckay 6-22-2004 3:42 am [add a comment]

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