PBS Frontline documentary on rebuilding. Tonight.
- alex 9-07-2004 8:32 pm

i did see this show on pbs. it was great. neither party comes off very well. interesting to see pataki in libeskinds corner yet unwilling to properly spank an unruly childs. at least goldberger did. and if there was any question about what a sleeze bucket silverstein was...

- bill 9-16-2004 9:14 pm [add a comment]

fwiw : i worked on the 83rd flr in #1 wtc for 10 years. right up to march 2001. our company a freightforwarder, was in the process of atrophing after the untimely death of the owner. we had already down sized our space and were paying $37 sf for about 400 sf on the 83rd floor. they had offered us a lease for $55.00 sf and we wouldnt sign the lease. they wouldnt negotiate despite all the empty space on our floor. it was all about the negotiations with silverstein. in the above documentary he said it was a great opportunity because he considered the bulk to have undervalued rent potential. so we left and i watched the whole thing go down from my 6th floor penthouse window in jc and on cnn. it wiped out the rental market in downtown jc for two years as we waited for the path stations at exchange place and then the wtc to reopen. sometime around 2000 my friend samo wanted to make an anti-corporation film and asked to use our office. we went in on a saturday and shot video for a couple of hours. note the painting behind the desk. it is one of mine when i was making paintings. as usual untitled but it was modeled on the stealth fighter and painted a shade of blue i call "art director pencil blue." the film can be seen here. shit he took it down. oh well, here is the mr corporation video.
- bill 9-16-2004 9:45 pm [add a comment]

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