looks great. ill check with my friend brian to see if he knows them.

- bill 1-12-2005 6:23 am

but will it sound as good as it looks?
- steve 1-12-2005 9:49 am [add a comment]

exactly. brian said he has "an original Bertoia LP or two, and PSF Japan did a pretty nice CD. The actual Bertoia sculptures I think are housed not far from your brother in PA, a fellow dj went out to play them once. "play" them... ."
- bill 1-12-2005 4:28 pm [add a comment]

I was surprised by pic of the Basches on the Spiral site, the chrome and shiny red paint, very cool. The cover of the LP is black and white, I always assumed they must be unpainted stainless.
- steve 1-12-2005 11:06 pm [add a comment]

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