Note that the album is from 1988, and the Original Raodkill Cookbook from 1987. Have we located the point at which roadkill became "cool"?
(Don't you just love scholarship?)
- alex 6-28-2001 6:03 pm

Mid-seventies The New Yorker published
a profile of a deep-south road-scavenging
redneck-savant replete with boiled possum
recipes. In the late eighties the McLeod Bar,
a quonset hut vending whiskey, guns & chain
saws, changed it's name to the Road Kill Cafe.
The next year Batman, the Road Warrior, Whoopi
Goldberg, Brooke Sheilds & Tom Fucking Brokaw
all bought spreads on the Boulder & West Boulder
drainages thus ending authentic dirtbag culture
& instituting the dawn of the Celebrity Roadkill
Chic forcing me to move to Bozeman, a two bit
pop stand named for a two bit Indian Killer whose
murder, falsely attributed to Blackfeet, sparked
the removal of all the remaining original inhabitants
of the valley of flowers, named for it's profusion of
Arctic Poppies, now gone as well.

- frank 6-28-2001 6:44 pm [1 comment]

The recording and illustration were done in 1986 if memory serves me correctly.
- steve 6-28-2001 9:04 pm [add a comment]

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