Well, in this case it wasn't just "about me". I was really stoked by the idea of a guy jumping off the balcony under strobe lights on to a trampoline for the amazing visual ! Wonder if he was tie-died too. What's grock?

- bill 8-09-2001 7:32 pm

I think it's 'grok'. From Robert Heinlein's sci-fi classic Stranger in a Strange Land. It means something like 'to understand fully'. Used a lot by tech/computer people to describe a level of understanding that comes after merely understanding something enough to use it. That thing that happens (sort of like the light bulb going off) when you really are at home with something. An understanding of the essential nature of something.

Stop me before I start quoting Heidegger...

The Jargon File has a good explanation (as usual.)
- jim 8-09-2001 7:42 pm [add a comment]

  • Wow, thanks for the clue and quote baby quote - grok grok

    - bill 8-09-2001 7:49 pm [add a comment]

    • Man, you guys are too fast for me. The reason that Steve used grok is that it was adopted by the Pranksters. It's a little like "dig", but more ecstatic, and without jazz overtones.
      - alex 8-09-2001 7:53 pm [add a comment]

      • As usual, Mr. Wilson is right on the money, I got grok from The Pranksters and their ilk.
        - steve 8-09-2001 8:21 pm [add a comment]

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