ha ha. the idea of not getting a good gehry. as though...

this building is dreadful. all square pegs in round holes. but i have been known to prefer certain dreadful buildings over developer specials (see nyu dorm buildings on 3rd ave for examples of the bad). i watched this special on gehry on 13 recently which was worthwhile. he is a likeable enough guy but he seems to take an ass-backward approach to building. making the final product conform to free form drawings, then crunching construction material to fit. (im ok with only one project, the disney concert hall. with that building the form was determined from the inside out based on existing acoustical engineering science.) in the documentary the client diller was pressing for a building that reflected his interest in sailboats (white sails) and sailing. puke! the white to clear auto glass windows are laugh out loud funny. im glad it was built and glad that it is where it is, but i hate it on so many levels.

- bill 3-23-2007 4:39 pm

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