Just some quick predictable responses from me because I'm sure everyone loves this discussion :-)

1. I guess this is debatable, but I think it's pretty hard to argue that MSPaintbrush wasn't a MacPaint clone (or that whatever program Microsoft bought and renamed wasn't a MacPaint clone.) Apple was doing this stuff several years before anyone else (especially with the Apple Lisa.) Still you may well like MSPaintbrush better. I guess this really doesn't matter. My point was something more like "there are tons of graphics programs for the Mac that aren't Adobe Photoshop."

2. I think this really depends on what software you are using. Logic is one thing, GarageBand is another, Audacity is yet another, and on and on. There is definitely not one "head" in terms of making music on the Mac. Shareware plugins abound just like on Windows. And as Mark said, deleting programs on the Mac is incredibly simple. Easily the simplest of all modern operating systems. The application looks like a single file, although it's really a "bundle" with all necessary program files inside of it (right click the file to see what's inside - it's not encrypted or locked or anything, just bundled up for ease of use.) To install you just drag to your applications folder. To uninstall you just drag to your trash. That's it. (With the exception of some lame Adobe software that does scatter some files a bit more widely.)

3. This is true in terms of the GUI that Apple ships. But it's really a full blown UNIX system. Open up the Terminal and there's the command line. No graphics whatsoever and total control right down to the bare metal. Or install X-11 and get that sort of no frills environment. Just because it has a polished outer layer doesn't mean that is the only way to use it or that you are locked into that mode.

4. Fair enough. But this seems not really to be a pro Windows point so much as a desire to use certain less refined (less all in one) software. Such software is available on Windows and on Mac which is the only point I'm really trying to make. Academia may have standardized on Final Cut Pro, say, but that doesn't mean it's the only way to edit film on the Mac. But I agree with your point for sure. Look around. There is a ton of software options on Windows and on Mac OS.

5. I don't like the campaign either. And my intuition is that it's not effective. I think people naturally sympathize / connect with the PC character. Not sure I would base my computing environment decisions on that, but clearly it's a personal choice. I'm not arguing against using Windows here. I'm just saying that the argument that Macs have less software than Windows (or, by extension, that the Mac locks you into doing things in a certain way) is untrue. Both OSes have huge software ecosystems, and while the Windows world is numerically larger, the Mac OS world is large enough that this difference in size doesn't matter. There's no real world advantage to having 123 graphics editors rather than 89.

Most importantly, thank god there is choice. If either Windows or Mac OS completely defeated the other (obviously won't happen at this point, but it almost did in terms of Windows "winning") then all forward movement would stop due to lack of competition. I'd like to see Linux (which is actually pretty polished with a distribution like Ubuntu) gain some market share and introduce even more choice. So it's all good and I'm happy you like the setup you have, but I'm not sure you have really seen the depth and variety of software that's available on the Mac.
- jim 10-07-2009 3:28 pm

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