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the early music show on bbc3

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badger and blade

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wbc 'o8

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german highwaysign typeface

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it cant happen here

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steel home blogspot

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marilyn avery kamikaze architecture (just found this clipping in my files) too bad no pictures in nyt archive - nice cabin with wrap around screened in 18" clarestory space below the roofline.

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french theory in america part two

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the message machine

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ubu spring 08

Abbie Hoffman Makes Gefilte Fish (1973)

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art torrents

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penn sound makes henry hills films available as streams

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grey lodge occult review #18 makes paul virilios book the vision machine available as pdf

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the international dada archive

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endless summer

There's so many Endless Summer posters for sale in galleries, poster stores, the internet and eBay how can a collector tell what's what?

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in the pre internet days of the early 90's i started tool collector networking by following one tool collectors association newsletter to the next. eventually i figured out that all roads lead to the EAIA. but they were heavy on the antique woodworking planes and i loved (entry level) wrench collecting which took me to the missouri valley wrench collectors group. the subscription newsletters still persist but now they all have web sites too with links pages to each other with even more obscure individual members sites.

Early American Industries Association Inc.

Founded in 1933 to encourage the study and better understanding of early American industry, in the home, in the shop, on the farm, and on the sea. Whether you are a tool collector, a tool dealer, a scholar, a user of tools or just like finding out about tools, there will be something to interest you. Membership of EAIA is open to any person or organization sharing its interests and purpose.
eaia members links
fine tool journal links
astragal press links
otca w/ links
mvwca links

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Kilogram No. 20

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the 7th man A True Cannibal Tale of the South Sea Islands: Told in Fifteen Wood-Engravings and Precisely One Hundred and Eighty Nine Words

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"It's our fucking park!" says Jerry "the Peddler" Wade, denouncing the city after it denied him a permit to hold a punk-rock concert in Tompkins Square Park to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the August 6, 1988, police riot that took place there

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As of yesterday [4/14/08] Pale Male and Lola are still sitting. The hatching window is open -- it could happen any day. At the Hawk Bench yesterday photographer Rik Davis and I exchanged notes and decided that April 20th is the outside date for hatching. That gives us hope until Sunday.

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rat rod of the week

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kt has posted some nice photos of their container house project. piles poured. containers stacked. they are getting ready to start cutting holes for the doors and windows and looking for advise on preventing buckling. lets watch and see how they do.

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towards a pattern language dialogue

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She quite obviously has no idea that the memoranda John Yoo wrote -- legalizing government torture, declaring presidential omnipotence, and suspending the Fourth Amendment inside the U.S. -- are not merely his opinion, but became the official position of the entire Executive Branch of the U.S. Government. She also quite obviously has no idea that he did all of that in close association with the most powerful political officials in the White House, including David Addington, Alberto Gonzales and ultimately Donald Rumsfeld, nor does she have the slightest awareness that the torture-authorizing memoranda were used to brief Gen. Geoffrey Miller, the commander of Guantanamo who then went to Iraq to train the commanders of American prisons in Iraq, including Abu Ghraib, nor that the theories of presidential omnipotence underlying it all remain firmly in place.

And that's the point. Because we have an establishment media that completely ignores these matters in favor of chattering endlessly about how Obama bowls and the cleavage that Hillary shows, the U.S. Government, at its highest levels, can literally create a torture regime -- war crimes by any measure -- and explicitly seize lawbreaking powers. And when they do, even people like Megan McArdle -- who writes on political matters for the The Atlantic -- will remain completely ignorant of even the most basic facts about what the Government did, ignorance which won't stop her from defending it all and dismissing its significance.
thanks mark
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