- tom moody 2-26-2002 5:19 pm

After drinking the '47 and the '45 it wouldn't really make sense not to try the '46. I mean, c'mon.
- jim 2-26-2002 6:03 pm [add a comment]

  • yes you are correct, and 84 montrachet what fools!!!
    - Skinny 2-27-2002 6:09 am [add a comment]

If you ask me, $4.00 is a lot for a glass of juice.
- alex 2-26-2002 6:06 pm [add a comment]

  • i was going to go with the $7 cigarettes, or that $5 was reasonable for a kronenborg.
    - dave 2-26-2002 9:35 pm [add a comment]

    • Did they actually eat anything?
      - steve 3-03-2002 5:22 am [add a comment]

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