spring has arrived at the Green Market--arugla rabe (new to me), dandelion, and a root i have never seen before from the mint family....will mix these three in small amounts to a risotto made with clam broth, to which i will add clams and squid....to celebrate ?? still being alive ??
- Skinny 3-30-2002 3:16 pm

Mike, I'm going to get that picture changed. Sorry it's taking me so long. If only I wasn't such a bad photographer.

If you see a shot you like somewhere on the web let me know and I'll steal it.
- jim 3-30-2002 3:32 pm [add a comment]

  • Alex has a new camera, commission him. The snow makes us all feel creepy especially with all the spring flowers in early bloom. Happy Spring and Easter to all.
    - jeanne 4-02-2002 1:01 am [add a comment]

    • Green Market Sat am??
      - Skinny 4-02-2002 2:11 am [add a comment]

      • dandilions are collected in the spring while they are fresh and still tender. avoid in later spring and summer.

        - bill 4-11-2002 6:12 pm [add a comment]

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