Another Dinner at Ripe, Sat March 15th.

Somber mood due to the war, but since Ripe works by rsvp guests showed up.

Chioggia beets and mache with horseradish vinaigrette

spring risotto (peas and asparagus)

Herb encrusted pan seared halibut with yellowfoot mushrooms
and caper beurre blanc

Italian almond poundcake with lemon curd and whipped cream.

$20 plus gratuity. Dessert $2
I brought a Charles Shaw Cabernet. $3 at Trader Joes

I love this place.
- steve 3-26-2003 6:56 pm

"new chef at ripe.
as of april 2003 we will be welcoming
our new chef de cuisine
tommy habetz, most recently mario batali's sous chef for 3 years
at both po and lupa in nyc

tommy's talent for preparing simple, honest, astoundingly good food is very rare
and we are thrilled to have him...
his first menu at family supper is the week of april 9th, 10th and 11th

sadly, we will be losing both dan spitz and morgan brownlow,
two extraordinary cooks who are headed down to the bay area to open
a stunning new restaurant in sausilito with bay area chef chris fernandez
"poggio" is slated to open in august - we will keep you posted
to bid these guys (who have given both naomi and I and portland so much...) farewell
we will be hosting 4 farewell suppers - i.e. the last time to eat there food in portland...

morgan cooks:
april 8th and april 22nd

dan cooks:
april 15th and april 29th"

- steve 3-26-2003 7:00 pm [add a comment]

how was the $3 Shaw??
- Skinny 3-26-2003 7:51 pm [add a comment]

  • Pretty darn good, for 3 bucks. I've spent 4 times as much for far worse. I'd prefer a bit more earth and tannons though.
    - steve 3-27-2003 5:37 am [add a comment]

    • three buck chuck
      - pam 3-30-2003 6:38 pm [add a comment]

    • Right, three buck chuck. I finished the case last night. I'd buy another but Trader Joes is out, they're trying to get more.
      - steve 3-30-2003 9:51 pm [add a comment]

  • gotta love the earth!!
    - Skinny 3-27-2003 10:28 pm [add a comment]

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