Get Skinny #2....

Lost like 8 pounds already, and today I did my first colonic to prep for the Liver Flush......I feel awesome, cant believe that cutting loose remnants of 7,379 Big Macs could make one feel so good!!!!
No tapeworm was the best news (1 in 5 she said, including her own daughter), but I have a yeast issue, she said that all the wine and pasta (my old 1 and 2 food group) has left a fermentation factory.....

Now I drink apple juice 32oz's for 6 days and a vegan diet to be ready for the FLUSH!!!

- Skinny 1-21-2007 9:19 pm

I've heard of flushing gold fish, but a liver, no matter how sick, seems extreme.
- steve 1-31-2007 5:14 am [add a comment]

it wasn't pleasant, let me tell you. while he was fasting, meanwhile, ryley and i were eating hotdogs and ice cream. we did leave the house to get our hot dogs, though, to be polite.
- linda 1-31-2007 5:08 pm [add a comment]

I pooped about 50 bile and gall stones, and I feel great, gonna do it again in 4 weeks!!!
- Skinny 1-31-2007 6:24 pm [add a comment]

- dave 1-31-2007 6:32 pm [add a comment]

thats why i am doing it, i want to be arround to help potty train his children....
- Skinny 1-31-2007 6:50 pm [add a comment]

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