was microwaving up a bowl of lentil soup and i looked to the label for some advice on timing. no such advice was forthcoming. all it said was "please do not overcook." thanks a bunch, amy.
- dave 1-24-2008 9:19 pm

microwaving kills all nutrients, might as well eat a bowl of tasty sawdust
- Skinny 1-25-2008 4:35 pm [add a comment]

zojirushi rice cooker . makes a mean batch of lintels, oatmeal or (even) rice or rice lintel combo.
- bill 1-25-2008 4:43 pm [add a comment]

how about a nice bowl of architecture buffs?
- steve 1-25-2008 5:24 pm [add a comment]

jurys still out on microwaves, perfesser. any cooking reduces the nutritional value of foodstuffs. preach to me when you go raw. and to suggest that any canned soup is tasty to begin with suggest you havent eaten any recently.

and even the heartiest of rice cookers would have trouble making lintels palatable though they are often rich in minerals.
- dave 1-25-2008 5:26 pm [add a comment]

I tried cooking muntin in mine but it just tasted like wood. Adman
- bill 1-25-2008 6:03 pm [add a comment]

preach no, care yes
sorry i do love you and want you to eat well
some folks inc me think that raw is too raw (if 100% of the diet)
peach yes, care yes
- Skinny 1-26-2008 1:26 am [add a comment]

someone keeps trying to ban all micowave use in our house. any time the sounds of the death machine come on, there is running into the kitchen and lots of questions and concerns. i nuke my food sometimes to reheat. but mostly i use if for popcorn which i have to do late night since we still don't let ryley eat it out of fear he will choke to death. i love lentils, what are you talking about?
- linda 1-26-2008 3:20 am [add a comment]

- bill 1-26-2008 3:40 am [add a comment]

lentils: good stock, garlic, shallots, various herbs, chopped celery, diced carrots, dash of oil and wine......cook till ready BUT "please do not overcook"
- Skinny 1-26-2008 3:48 am [add a comment]

i dont come from good stock, so its a non-starter right there.

so let me get this straight, i should only microwave canned peaches after dark but only if my windows are double hung otherwise i might choke to death?

im ordering chinese instead. anybody got a problem with that?
- dave 1-26-2008 4:44 am [add a comment]

too much MSG can cause cancer
- Skinny 1-26-2008 4:52 pm [add a comment]

...so steer clear of madison square garden.
- bill 1-26-2008 5:32 pm [add a comment]

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