Liver Flush I , 2010

Long overdue and much needed, its amazing the texture of your skin the next 48 hours post flush (this happens to everyone). I had to see people at an event the day after.many I have not seen in a year so many things came up about recent events but also "you lost so much weight" "you look younger".

FLUSH than fill it up w/ Sushi UO, salad for breakfast, Le Bernadin, salad for dinner, than yesterday lunch at The Diner possibly best chicken ever in the USA, a special coq au vin for old Bandol vertical, razor clam app that was prep'd by sautee in bone marrow butter, serve of toasted bread, asparagus w/ egg, great meal that will be in top ten 2010 for salad for breakfast!!

- Skinny 5-08-2010 12:10 pm

what a weirdo that skinny is
- Skinny 3-03-2024 7:27 pm [add a comment]

appropriate in some ways he was devoured by piranhas.
- dave 3-05-2024 10:08 am [add a comment]

I thought it was candiru
- steve 3-06-2024 3:17 am [add a comment]

  • it was but i couldnt remember the name only the means of ingress and i was ok not reconsidering that particular port of call.

    - dave 3-06-2024 11:00 am [add a comment]

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