I find it irritating to shop in conventional grocery stores in Houston. Perhaps most irritating is the food segregation. For example, at Kroger's, regular crackers for regular folks are on this aisle. Hippy crackers are way over here on another aisle. And Akmak, the best fucking crackers in the world, no where to be found. Heathens.
- mark 11-25-2014 6:56 pm

Do they have sprouts in Houston? It saved our ass visiting Dallas. Showed up in the last 10 years. Cheeper than whole foods.
- bill 11-25-2014 9:19 pm [add a comment]

according to the ak-mak website they are available at krogers in tx. maybe you missed the armenian aisle. i think its behind the beaded curtain.
- dave 11-25-2014 9:40 pm [add a comment]

Shit. I was on the Central Asian aisle, not the Western Asia aisle.

Don't know about Sprouts. Plenty of Whole Foods, but I can't go there with Mom. She's way to Scottish to spend that kind of money on food.

Also, getting all my rants out, if I get involved in cooking thanksgiving next year, we'll need to be real clear about who is chef. I feel like I'm trapped in an episode of Sandra Lee's Semi-Homemade. "What marginally more convenient yet shitty substitution can we make here?"
- mark 11-26-2014 1:43 am [add a comment]

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