"Bianchdudui di Bera is a unique and unrepeatable oxidative white wine. Since the 2000 vintage, an aromatic, savory and mineral Muscat left under the veil for sixteen years in a forgotten tank, a real Piedmontese vin jaune. In a word: harmony, which is not by chance the meaning of the ideogram on the label."

who's in?

- bill 5-27-2023 1:34 pm

Not an skin contact wine per se, but a fascinating one, which we think offers some of the characteristics folks might be looking for. Mindbending! These grapes from the 2000 harvest were destined for Alessandra Bera's Moscato d'Asti when something happened. The juice fermented to dryness and developed a layer of flor, which didn't die for 16 years. Always keen to push the boundries, Alessandra let nature take its course, and bottled this in 2017. An incredibly layered wine, it still has incredible freshness, and is unlike anything I've ever tasted. With great complexity, this shows notes of yellow flowers and white blossom,  apricot, peach, peach skin, tangerine, grapefruit, grapefruit pith, lemon oil, resin, honeycomb and almond. The incredibly long finish is quite herbal, with chamomile and yarrow. It has a waxy, viscous texture, but doesn't lack for acidity. A real treat. Oskar Kostecki

- bill 5-27-2023 1:43 pm [add a comment]

Amazing wine!!
- Skinny 5-28-2023 2:00 pm [add a comment] 

- Skinny 5-28-2023 2:02 pm [add a comment]

They have it at Chambers St.
- bill 5-28-2023 3:16 pm [add a comment]

the 2000 or the new vintage?
- Skinny 5-30-2023 1:22 pm [add a comment]

I thought 2000
- bill 5-30-2023 3:23 pm [add a comment]

$54.99  (says out of stock,sorry)

- bill 5-30-2023 4:30 pm [add a comment]

get the new vintage!!
- Skinny 6-01-2023 1:29 am [add a comment]

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