Discovered this email from Ripe in my inbox today:

"as a way of thanking those of you
who have been suppin' since the beginning
we are going to celebrate family supper's 2nd birthday
by buying you dinner, let us know asap if you can make it -
just you + 1 guest

sunday, march 23rd
7:30 pm

we buy the dinner...
you buy wine and dessert..."

Nice people there at Ripe :-)
- steve 3-14-2003 5:31 am

Ripe's 2nd birthday.
We watched the oscars in their downstairs cafe then moved up to the kitchen/dining room for dinner.

Baby spinich and pinenuts with a warm current dressing

Sweet Italian pork and spicy lamb sausage
(home made, awsome!)

Creamy polenta

Singing Pig Farms rapini greens

Old fashioned licorice, sesame snaps baci and coffee.

andrew rich pinot 2000 Oregon

hecula red yecula 2001 Spain

elk cove la rene 2000

This restaurant is worth a trip Portland.

- steve 3-26-2003 6:44 pm [add a comment]

your worth a trip to portland.....did you like the Hecula??
- Skinny 3-26-2003 6:50 pm [add a comment]

  • Thank you and yes I did, I stuck with it for the night.
    I'm liking some of the Pino's out here too, this one was nice.
    - steve 3-26-2003 7:03 pm [add a comment]

  • Hecula is (Monastrell) Mouvedre from South Spain in Yecla, very hot in ze press....
    - Skinny 3-26-2003 7:52 pm [add a comment]

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