Squash smoothie: Draw and quarter winter squash. Clean out squash guts. Bake for 45 minutes at 400. Drop to 300 for an additional 15 minutes. Plan for liquid coming out of squash. Use a roasting pan or a sheet pan with a lip. After it cools a bit, flay the skin off the squash. Dump flesh in blender with some stock. (Bonus points: use some stock to deglaze the squash juice that dries to the pan. Flavor lives there.) Puree squash and stock mixture. (Now comes the smoothie part.) Add some plain greek yogurt and blend. Spices? Salt, pepper, paprika, ginger are some good ones. Serve with some grated Italian hard cheese grated on top, and maybe some herbs. Store excess in freezer for up to 6 months, if'n you have a good freezer. Less if it's sketchy.

- mark 4-07-2016 2:39 pm

the only part of that i heard was "dump... in blender."

- dave 4-07-2016 3:02 pm [add a comment]

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