they wont even know they came from you. what a waste of a good deed!

- dave 1-22-2021 11:00 am

i was reading a twitter thread suggesting (in broad strokes) that people from the east coast are not necessarily nice but they are fundamentally kind while the opposite is true of those from the west coast. but then you hear about the same for the midwest, south and canada — outwardly polite but otherwise, not so much. apparently only people from the northeast are kind. im sure this is fundamentally untrue but if i can use it to feel superior and continue to be something of a dick, well, how can i resist?

- dave 1-22-2021 11:06 am [ comments]

- Skinny 1-22-2021 12:17 pm [ comments]

That’s just Dave saying he’s eating the cookies.
- bill 1-22-2021 3:23 pm [ comments]

that goes without saying. but i eat them for the children.
- dave 1-22-2021 5:31 pm [1 comment]

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