Hey, it might be tasty, plus, it's an all-in-one meal that wouldn't leave you with dishes to wash under that cold tap water.

- steve 3-15-2023 4:33 pm

thats such a monday take. i mean, might as well make a colonoscopy joke, or a pull my finger joke. i do like an all in one meal though. using my pork tenderloin scraps, with whatever veggies i can scrape together and a can of baked beans. ENOUGH WITH THE PULL MY FINGER JOKES! oh, and roasted some brussel sprouts. nothing gassy about that. only question is, to couscous or not to couscous. 

- dave 3-15-2023 5:47 pm [add a comment]


- bill 3-16-2023 6:45 am [add a comment]

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