happy birthday, clarence birdseye! i ruin this turkey in your honor. i would never have developed a taste for tasteless vegetables without your genius. you are the king of december 9th beating out the guy who performed the first cremation and someone who may or may not have raped natalie wood. all great men to be sure. 

fire & ice!

ha. i could have gone with ratification of the genocide convention. someone i follow on twitter is obsessed with using the term in conjunction with the actions of the israelis vis a vis the palestinians and has quoted referred to this event. i dont doubt it meets the legal terms but in my mind genocide has encompassed, well, considerably greater extermination efforts. not to diminish the horrors but i wish there was a term for light genocide, something more sinister than ethnic cleansing but short of efforts to eradicate a people. splitting hairs i suppose. 

anyway, earlier i counted the number of times she has used the word genocide in twitter posts in the last two weeks which is as far back as the search would go (elon doesnt want to pay for a full accounting anymore) and i came up with 180. so more than 10 unique post a day she has found a way to squeeze genocide into a post. i guess she wants to drive the point home but honestly its a bit excessive. id mention it but she would block me in a second although she does enjoy discussing her cooking. maybe i could butter herb up first with a question about freezing soups.


- dave 12-06-2023 2:54 pm

this is a classy turkey. came in its own box replete with folksy wisdom about how much care went into raising this turkey. oh, excuse me, not folksy wisdom, family secrets.

secret 1: walk the flock each day

secret 2: let turkeys be turkeys

secret 3: dont rush things this brand turkey is slow grown

secret 4: never compromise on quality

secret 5: chop its head off


- dave 12-06-2023 4:16 pm [add a comment]

I saw this episode of Portlandia
- bill 12-06-2023 4:54 pm [add a comment]

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