so turkey done. ill give myself a c-. 

first giblets were there. just in the other hole. whoops. good thing it was more waxed paper and not plastic. was frozen shut til today but didnt think to look. then i did i half assed job on the dry brine. not terrible, not great. probably undercooked it a few minutes or else without a proper roasting pan the underside seemed undercooked but the breast meat in closest to the rib cage was cooked but could have used a few minutes. then despite watching the vids i did a poor job dismembering. the breast were even troubling but they were mostly intact. im not sure where the thighs were but i didnt get much dark meat and it was again marginally undercooked. i actually made a whole breast on thanksgiving at 5 lbs and it seemed to yield about the same amount of desirable meat. still more turkey than i need and the gravy was better this time since i over-floured it the other time and had mushrooms roasted in the pan for this one. too lazy to try and make cornbread stuffing but made the cornbread and the recipe called for it to be stale anyway so if theres any left by tuesday.... and i tossed out the carcass and wings and such. dont have the patience or the raw materials for making stock. kind of a waste but c'est la vie.

- dave 12-09-2023 4:16 pm

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