Nice. This kind of info is what I'm looking for (however much that matters.) I'll just throw some random ideas out

Maybe you could give more instructions as to the green market (I assume you're talking Union Square.) Seems like you regulars (Rachael and Diti and you at least) have favorite providers for different kinds of food (and they are at the market only on certain days.) Clue us in. Who's got the best strawberries. When should I go and which side are they located on. Also, let's try and get some pictures up of the market. It really is amazing. I think it has totally changed eating habits here in the city (well, probably it's more like the market became popular because those eating habits were changing, but either way the market is at the heart of food culture here in NYC.) Do you agree? Also, what about our friend Dan's interesting theory that this kind of appreciation of food (fresh high quality organic and/or locally grown food) is one of the more positive legacies of the 60's.
- jim 6-17-2000 6:04 pm

my favorites are the 3 organic farms--they are clearly marked by thier aura!!! (at the union sq green market--have not tried many others)
- Skinny 6-18-2000 1:04 am [
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  • two of the farms are on the west side near 16th st--the other is north in middle--market is best to me saturday am--i am experimenting with the seafood suppliers but one had swordfish which is a bummer, will advise fellings, i am very happy about the market and to watch it grow and i with it, for sure its a positive happy hippy thing turned...??
    - Skinny 6-18-2000 1:19 am [add a comment]

    • meal (tuna cakes w/ rubbarb relish on sauted organic greens) was edable but not exciting--will try again for breakfast w/ crab cakes...:<(
      - Skinny 6-18-2000 5:11 pm [add a comment]

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