He doesn't look anything like her, either.
- alex 8-02-2000 10:30 pm

LOL. (Who is Tom Green?)
- jim 8-02-2000 10:56 pm [add a comment]

  • what? you missed the dratfink announcement of drew's betrothal? hes the tall dorky comedian/provacateur that she is engaged to. he has a show on mtv where he gets to be wacky and annoying and piss people off until they tell him to leave. he also did those pepsi ads where he would "shotgun" pepsis and generally act like a schmuck. hey, whatever it takes. hopefully drew will come to her senses if she has any. for gadsakes, hes canadian!!
    - dave 8-02-2000 11:28 pm [add a comment]

    • One of his shows he brought Monica Lewenski to his home town in Canada looking for just the right fabric for her to make into hand bags. They settled on taking the material from his parents bed spread, while they were still sleeping. ML came off well. This seasons shows have turned to formula and don't stand up to earlier work. Still, Drew could do worse.
      - bill 8-03-2000 6:19 pm [add a comment]

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