We had some diner plans for tonight. But is any one feeling interpid ? I still can't quite get a bead on what this strom promises for today/tonight ? options include :
a) they are closed cause of storm
b) some of us are feeling intedpid and take various routes to get there via car (?), mass transit, carservice, etc.
c) too complicated and we reschedule for next tues (?) or other date that complies with various scheds
d) I can fit two other folks in my truck and we brave it expodition style(actually just a F150).

- bill 3-06-2001 6:19 pm

F150? That's a sweet truck. I could maybe be brave, but I vote for rescheduling for when more of us (especially Mike) can go.
- jim 3-06-2001 6:43 pm [add a comment]

13th is good for me
- Skinny 3-06-2001 7:44 pm [2 comments]

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