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Tom Moody - Animation Log

A record of animation projects that have appeared in my weblog or elsewhere: found and/or html-altered image files, "remixes," kids' art, and my own GIFs and videos. An archive of these posts is here. Enlargeable thumbnails of "raw materials" and additional work are here. Note: older Safari browsers may load multiple identical animated GIFs out of sync, which sucks.

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Marisa Olson Collections 2: Knives

- tom moody 7-22-2007 5:57 am [link] [add a comment]

Marisa Olson Collections 3: Knots

- tom moody 7-22-2007 5:56 am [link] [add a comment]

fat target

- tom moody 7-22-2007 5:55 am [link] [add a comment]


- tom moody 7-22-2007 5:54 am [link] [add a comment]

eyekhan - jasceyekhan - jasceyekhan - jasceyekhan - jasceyekhan - jasceyekhan - jasceyekhan - jasc
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eyekhan - jasceyekhan - jasceyekhan - jasceyekhan - jasceyekhan - jasceyekhan - jasceyekhan - jasc

GIF grid by eyekhan
not ideal in RSS readers

- tom moody 7-22-2007 5:53 am [link] [add a comment]

Motivator PogMotivator PogMotivator PogMotivator Pog
Motivator PogMotivator PogMotivator PogMotivator Pog
Motivator PogMotivator PogMotivator PogMotivator Pog
Motivator PogMotivator PogMotivator PogMotivator Pog
Motivator PogMotivator PogMotivator PogMotivator Pog

- tom moody 5-30-2007 7:54 am [link] [add a comment]

westerman teledaisy

westerman circle gradient

GIFs by Charles Westerman, based on ones I posted earlier

Westerman's web page is here.

- tom moody 5-30-2007 7:53 am [link] [add a comment]

chasing circleschasing circles
chasing circleschasing circles

single GIF by unknown artist displayed four times

- tom moody 5-30-2007 7:52 am [link] [add a comment]

Gradient Squares 3

- tom moody 5-30-2007 7:51 am [link] [add a comment]

exercise molecules

GIF artist unknown

- tom moody 5-30-2007 7:50 am [link] [add a comment]