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The seized emails make it hard to generate much sympathy for the MegaUpload crew. I'm no international law expert, but paying people to upload full DVD rips of popular movies and cracked software while driving around in expensive sports cars with license plates like 'MAFIA' doesn't really look too good. Not to mention mansions with safe rooms and the weapons. Like wanna-be rap star computer nerds.
Anyway, all that aside, it did seems to be pretty coincidental timing that they were raided right after SOPA and PIPA went down. And now I learn that they apparently were about to release a new music distribution platform, MegaBox, that would pay artists 90% of revenue for all music sold through the store, as well as providing revenue to artists who choose to give their songs away for free (a model they had already proven can make millions since that is what they were doing through piracy.) The 5th most trafficked site on the internet turns it's guns on the outdated business model of the entire recording industry and then are suddenly arrested. I wish they had acted differently / smarter and been able to carry out the MegaBox plan.