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lucky day for me today, or maybe i just skirted being unlucky. had been waiting for a ups delivery which somehow eluded me twice despite having been home at the time of attempted delivery. three strikes and they return item to sender. i havent tried on the item yet so maybe the universe was trying to save me the trouble of doing so later in which case i ought to pay closer attention to not being attentive.
but as it is i had put a note on the door asking the delivery person to sit on the buzzer and if there was no response i left my cellphone number on the it as well imploring them to call so i would not proverbally and literally strike out. as it turns out i was dozing off around lunchtime like every other normal person does but off in the distance i hear the phone ringing. its a new phone and im not that familiar with the ring so i am not quick to respond. i jump to my feet, grab the phone and engage in the swiping and the pressing of virutal buttons frantically but to no avail as the call is missed. i dart over to the intercom (in my head, in reality its loping at best) and engage in more frantic button pushing but there is no response on the other end. i grab my jacket, run my fingers through my hair and slip on my flip flops making haste for the street hoping to catch sight of a vision in brown, not even sure if it had been they that had called.
chirst, im already bored. a truck was there and it had my package but they hadnt even rung yet. the call was some spammer (i looked it up). probably a better than 50% chance i would have heard the buzzer or the call had they endeavored but maybe 15 minutes later im in a deeper sleep state. so thanks, spammer. you werent a blight on humanity for once in your pathetic life.
but the story does not end though i wish it would. now that im practically engaged with the day i decide to walk to whole foods as my cupboard is bare and im tired of deli sandwiches. so, on go the hiking shoes, still no socks (who has time for that?), and i begin the hunt for my black wool hat. nowhere to be found. retrace my steps... blah blah blah. 10 minutes later, last ditch effort, i head out to see if it fell out of my jacket pocket and there it is in the middle of the crosswalk, dampened but undaunted.
so let that be a lesson to you, dont be me.