(sprung) i noticed in the park earthworm mounds. on the radio (npr) they mentioned that its time for the earthworms to start moving around and that the robins would soon respond (looking for food). any crocus sightings yet ?
- bill 3-06-2004 4:52 pm

um, I don’t think daffodils at the corner deli count, but they sure do make me think of spring..
- selma 3-08-2004 5:51 pm [add a comment]

Oh, they count! Gotta take it where you can get it.
- sally mckay 3-08-2004 5:55 pm [add a comment]

There were Crocuses in the Park yesterday, and Snowdrops, but I don’t really go by garden flowers. Check the trees in your neighborhood: Red Maple is blooming, and a few Elm buds are starting to burst. Bird-wise, things are also moving. Grackles started a week or so back, large flocks are now going by. Rusty Blackbirds in breeding plumage hit town, and while a few Song Sparrows live in the Park, yesterday there were scores of them all over. There are more Robins around, but the big push hasn’t happened yet; any day now. The first warbler of the year, a Pine (as usual) is here, and I got a good look at a Woodcock, which is not an easy thing to do. I even saw a couple of Turkey Vultures from the end of my own street, always a lovely sign of Spring.
- alex 3-08-2004 7:54 pm [add a comment]

More signs of spring ... the tulip magnolia blooms are falling off, and I'm wearing sandals. (On the left coast we're slightly more progressive when it comes to warming trends.)
- mark 3-08-2004 8:48 pm [add a comment]

checking back in from jersey city with vanvorst park's signs of life. yellow crocuses are the first (ground dwelling or nontree) blosssoms of the season. the colors were visible yesterday but starting to bloom today. anyone looking for nice bubls (for next year anyway) check out white flower farm.

- bill 3-09-2004 7:40 pm [add a comment]

  • Trying to think SPRING. Thank you.
    - selma 3-09-2004 9:51 pm [add a comment]

  • On the Oregon coast Skunk Cabbage is currently yielding beautiful yellow flowers.
    - steve 3-11-2004 7:56 pm [add a comment]

"He [Olafur Rliasson] is also interested in how the weather shapes a city and, in turn, how the city itself becomes a filter through which to experience the weather. ‘Every city mediates its own weather’, Eliasson has said. ‘As inhabitants, we have grown accustomed to the weather as mediated by the city. This takes place in numerous ways, on various collective levels ranging from hyper-mediated (or representational) experiences, such as the television weather forecast, to more direct and tangible experiences, like simply getting wet while walking down the street on a rainy day."
The Weather Project.
- selma (guest) 3-17-2004 4:17 pm [add a comment]

  • http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/exhibitions/eliasson/about.htm

    (sorry, couldn't get the link to work)
    - selma (guest) 3-17-2004 4:18 pm [add a comment] [edit]

  • tate link working
    - bill 3-17-2004 6:09 pm [add a comment]

i used to stare off into the west from floor 83 #1 wtc. that went on for 10 years till our firm departed months prior to 9/11. a weird and wonderful vantage point. it was a very sick building for air quality. fixed windows and bad air looped back at you over and over. but the sights I saw (esp clear in the fall), weather rolling in over PA and NJ. it could make you cry. today would have ruled from up there.
- bill 3-17-2004 6:18 pm [add a comment]

  • Thanks bill.
    I think the link didn't work because I am signing in as a guest (jim? could that be why?)
    I only went up to the top of the wtc once. to the bar. I took some out of town friends because I thought it was a good 'tourist' thing to do. I hated every moment of it, but loved it too. The evelator was terrible I thought, how you felt the air rushing up.
    I dont know what today is like in NYC, but I sure can't wait to be back. I heard snow yesterday, ouch. There goes any sign of SPRING... still waiting...
    - selma (guest) 3-17-2004 6:40 pm [add a comment] [edit]

  • yeah thats why. no plobrem. snow yesterday, flurries today, tomorrow and friday. spring returns saturday in spades.

    - bill 3-17-2004 8:10 pm [add a comment]

    • 83 floors down for a breath of fresh air - talk about a "filter through which to experience the weather.."
      - selma 3-18-2004 6:27 pm [add a comment]

today has been that one day of spring we get in Toronto between bastard winter and summer smog. gorgeous. I decided to be my own bike courier and spent an hour riding around town delivering packages for work with the warm breeze in my hair and bare hands & ears. feels pretty nice.
- sally mckay 3-30-2004 2:29 am [add a comment]

  • Sounds nice. Everyone around me is suffering from Spring fever - literally. I am surrounded by sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever (so you can't rest medicine).
    - selma 3-30-2004 10:16 pm [add a comment]

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