Like many sites that require you to register, the Times often has the cypherpunk/cypherpunk account (name/password.) Setting up this account as means for open access is a tradition in the cypherpunk (note: not CYBER, CYPHER) world. I've noticed that the Times often deletes this account, and then it will be back up other times. Worked for me a lot lately. Sort of a skeleton key to cyberspace. (Sometimes it is cypherpunks/cypherpunk.)
- jim 5-16-2000 7:17 pm

The first time I tried this link, I got the sign-in page. Now it's taking me to the article. Did you set up a cypherpunk account for this post, or do you just try signing in using those names? If I had a Times account, would any link take me directly to the intended page, or would I still have to sign in?
- alex 5-17-2000 12:07 am [add a comment]

  • No, I don't make the account, it's just one that often exists on systems (and is set up for the purpose of circumventing these sign ins.) My logs show the Times put 4 cookies on my machine when I read that article. 1 expired after 30 minutes, 1 expires after 90 days, and the other two don't expire for 10 years. So I guess, if you go back right away (maybe within 30 minutes) you don't have to sign in again. (By the way, the digitalmediatree cookie lasts about 90 days. Can't remember why I picked that number.) If you look at your cookie file you can see this info, although the times are given in standard Unix time, so that makes it a little strange. Right now the time is 958520496. That's the number of seconds having elapsed in the Unix epoch - since Jan. 1 1970. The roll over to 10 digits is a mini-Y2K like concern for Unix systems.
    - jim 5-17-2000 12:47 am [add a comment]

  • I am an NYT "member." Have them right there on my NAV personal toolbar, between RefDesk, and Metros (links to most major and minor newspapers). It used to make me sign in but after a while it just stopped and now it takes me to the page lickety-split. But Bill's link took me to the sign -in page everytime. So in frustration I spouted what seems to be a popular rant at this site--"to hell with the NYT," and then I went to Alex's Cornell link, and now, at the bottom of my screen I have about five chirping .wav files lined up; they aren't differentiated by the time they make it to that bar but they all belong to small birds and there is one that sounds rather like a duck who swallowed a frog.
    - jimlouis 5-17-2000 3:16 am [add a comment]

    • No really, the birds are just like techno: repetitive and inhuman. And, depending on the species, incessant. To the uninitiated, they all sound alike. They're not so strong on rhythm, but maybe that's an avant-garde pretention.
      Cornell doesn't actually post their whole collection, but it shows up on a lot of other sites. Most of the species accounts from Patuxent Wildlife Research Center include song files.
      - alex 5-17-2000 4:14 am [add a comment]

      • Great stuff, I love it. Are the song files pretty accurate, I mean, is there much variation in the way they sing, does it change when they move through different regions during migration? And have there been studies done which would suggest what might happen if I played a recorded loop of the chattering and singing of several different kinds of birds out a window near some trees? Might it attract birds, repel them, or just make the neighbors remark, "what is that crazy sumbitch up to now?"
        - jimlouis 5-17-2000 5:22 am [add a comment]

        • Of course I guess you answered that question about the variation of song when you first mentioned about the one bird imitating the other, hmm, wonder if that's where I got the idea?
          - jimlouis 5-17-2000 5:57 am [add a comment]

          • FYI : I too have a nyt act. but I use dratfinks link to get there and have not been asked to sign in in the last week or two.

            (((smock)))))(((( smock)))))

            - bill 5-17-2000 6:04 pm [add a comment]

            • Be that as it may Mr. Bill, I still have no idea what your original post was. Shall I remain in the dark? I can't just sign in at the NYT sign in page that pops up because I have no idea what my original screen name and password are/was/is. Shall I peruse the entire NYT for a birding theme? You would have me peruse would you? And if you are making that smocking sound by inserting your finger inside your cheek and then flinging outward with it, then that explains the little flecks of spit inside my monitor. Moreover, you don't know where that finger's been.

              Just finished a little job for this engineer guy who was in on the early space program, the first super clean "white room," printed circuitry boards, which allowed for the miniaturization of all this stuff we take for granted today, and a lot of the just plain practical stuff that was involved in designing a craft that would carry men to the moon. When Nixon shut the space program down all these best and brightest type dudes were left in the lurch and had to find jobs in the private sector. He found a job at Avondale (a big ship yard here)and has worked there for 30 years. But give him a chance to talk, and he can tell a body some things about the space program.

              And I've been dreading this but I'm off to City Hall of bureaucratic hell to get a building permit for Rocheblave (I'm still shut down over there until Entergy hooks up my temporary power. If we were still doing any work for the Entergy CEO, I could just drop a hint to wife, Jackie, and done deal. But we're not, so I can't.) And if you're thinking damn, you've gutted the place and done all that clean up and you still don't have a building permit, just get off my back, all right?, what are you now, a building inspector?

              But I'm pretty good at putting things off, as perhaps you can tell by the length of this what was going to be simple reply.

              Hey did I ever tell you about the time...
              - jimlouis 5-17-2000 7:42 pm [add a comment]

              • i really love pizza--when hung over i can eat more slices than "normal"
                - anonymous (guest) 5-18-2000 12:25 am [add a comment] [edit]

                • The Rock says, "I like pan(ITDOESN'TMATTERWHATTHEROCKSAYS)cakes"

                  - bill 5-18-2000 6:05 pm [add a comment]

            • Please spellcheck.
              - alex 5-18-2000 6:28 am [add a comment]

        • There can be a lot of variation in the song of a given species, both regional and individual. Their main uses seem to be in attracting mates and maintaining territory. During migration, the birds sing a lot less than they will when they reach their breeding grounds. There they really go at it, the males getting into vocal and physical altercations. The females usually don’t sing, although it happens in some species, like the Cardinal. They all make a variety of other, less complex, sounds: flight calls, chip notes, alarms, and such. Some people can identify birds from the one note “chip” that they routinely sound while going about their business. I’m just beginning to learn a few of the migrants’ songs, and to separate warbler notes from the local background, but the idea of really knowing each species is mind-boggling (then again, think how many rock bands can you instantly identify). The songs have enough consistency of tone, pitch and phrasing that a practiced listener can identify a species across a fair range of variation. Each species has its own idiosyncrasies; some are very consistent, others seem to revel in improvisation. Some do imitations of other birds. Some individuals are “better” than others of their species, with larger repertoires and more variation. Studies suggest that these birds get more mates, sort of like rock stars.
          I’ve been lucky enough to actually see a number of migrants singing. Short of that, you can buy CDs of them, or have recourse to the traditional mnemonics. These render the songs into words or phrases which may or may not be helpful. That Cornell page had the Ovenbird’s “teacher, teacher, teacher”, which works better for me than the Towhee’s “drink your tea” (on the same page). I did learn the White-throated Sparrow’s “peabody, peabody” from the mnemonic, but I don’t hear the alternate “canada, canada”. It’s kind of like picking voices out of the wind. I’d describe the Sparrow’s song as a whistle, and I don’t think a whistle can contain either a "p" or a "c(k)" sound.
          Use of bird calls or imitations on the breeding ground is considered bad form, as it may interfere with nesting. Under other circumstances, they may be useful. Some “inquisitive” species may be coaxed from cover by such ruses, but unless you are in breeding plumage, this will only get you so far.
          - alex 5-18-2000 7:38 am [add a comment]

          • So, uh, where can I get some of this, uh, plumage. By the way, during your travel of the net if you should come across a pretty much solid parrot green bird, in size between a parakeet and a parrot would you link it to me? Also, your swan coverage is inexplicably inspiring to me. I don't suppose anyone got visual coverage of the actual pure breed take down? Thanks for the bird info.
            - jimlouis 5-19-2000 1:51 am [add a comment]

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