The 1935 Midsummer’s Night Dream is a hoot. Mashup of old-world theatrical staging and Hollywood actors hamming it up; Jimmy Cagney as Bottom, Mickey Rooney as Puck.

Richard III is not one of the greatest plays, but it’s fun. It has famous lines, and the out-sized villainy of Richard makes for a meaty role. The 1955 Laurence Olivier version is a classic straightforward mid-century production. Tastes vary when it comes to major re-vamping of period and setting for Shakespeare, but I thought Ian McKellen’s 1996 take, making Richard a 1930’s-style fascist, was really good.

- alex 7-26-2021 1:36 pm

1935 version of midsummer also features Kenneth Anger as the changling prince 

- steve 7-27-2021 7:51 am [add a comment]

I know I’ve seen it decades ago. Time to re-up
- bill 7-27-2021 9:49 am [add a comment]

  • watching it tonight......

    - Skinny 7-27-2021 5:02 pm [add a comment]

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