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Internet Archive's movie collection. Free movies.

Watch full-length feature films, classic shorts, world culture documentaries, World War II propaganda, movie trailers, and films created in just ten hours: These options are all featured in this diverse library!

I watched a couple of Marlene Dietrich films on there, just finished the pre-code Blonde Venus co-starring Cary Grant. 

- steve 9-15-2022 7:39 am [link] [2 refs] [3 comments]

RIP JL Godard

- bill 9-13-2022 7:58 am [link] [3 refs] [1 comment]

jon hamm is ruining my childhood! (last chance for you, buddy.)

- dave 8-26-2022 7:38 pm [link] [1 ref] [7 comments]

favorite tweet of the day:

Taylor Lautner reveals that his fiancée Taylor Dome will take his last name and also be named Taylor Lautner.

- dave 8-17-2022 9:56 pm [link] [1 ref] [3 comments]

speaking of tom cruise, i started watching the top gun sequel last night and am really surprised at the good reviews it got. the first one was over the top macho reagan cold war nonsense but at least it was kind of fun. this one has been an absolute slog for me. two thirds of the way through and i cant point to one redeeming quality. maybe some of the aerial cinematography has been good. maybe? at least they aged cruises character appropriately. he may still be the slightly incorrigible maverick but he is not a smirking manchild. beyond that, meh. some obvious and not so obvious nods to its predecessor and a bunch of two dimensional characters and none of those dimensions are intriguing. also, ive decided john hamm is not a great actor. he is not bad at comedy but how many dull performances post don draper before we accept the truth? prove me wrong, johnny boy!

- dave 8-17-2022 2:34 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]