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barong place, barong time

i inadvertently found myself this evening at a planning session for a bachelor weekend id already begged out of attending. however i was particularly tickled while the relative merits of place price and prostitutes were bandied about to needle one loudmouthed participant who was time was constrained for this future baccanal by a previous engagement, that being tickets to attend a concert with his wife to see james taylor. nothing says debauch like sweet baby james.

and i wish i could do justice to the scene of taking measurements for the barongs which are the traditional filipino shirts worn at weddings and are custom fit for all. a standard tape measure wasnt precise enough for my precision minded bridegroom at these proceedings. no, what was required were two swords, one a novelty sword which collapsed in upon itself, the other wooden. however, no level was used to ensure they were not askew when placed at waist and shoulder level (although i did ruefully suggest a plumline) so the entire exercise was less than futile but not all that much less. noone was injured during this swashbucking affair but a $135 shirt was torn by a dull mind wielding a dull blade. seems the seams of said collapsible blade were sharper than the edge enough so to produce a cottonary lesion one not soon to heal. fortunately i was neither wielder nor wielded, and so this story like so many others ends happily.

- dave 5-22-2008 8:15 am [link] [3 comments]

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