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downton abbey returns for its second season next week in the uk but americans will have to wait (wink) until january for the bastardized version that pbs will likely offer. last year they chopped off at least an hour so they could create 4 11/2hour episodes instead of the 7 hour long episodes shown in the uk. still baffles me as to why. maybe they had to get to the doowop reruns offered during pledge week.

its sort of a hackneyed upstairs/downstairs period drama but its well done if you like that sort of thing.

and season three has already been greenlit so you can set your dvrs ahead of time for january 2013.
- dave 9-07-2011 6:06 pm [link] [6 comments]

giving the bbcamerica show the hour a solid a- after watching the first two episodes. nice to see romola garai released from british period piece purgatory to act in something contemporary as long as your version of contemporary stretches back to the 1950s. for a very unoriginal tagline think madmen meets broadcast news with some thrillerish menace to boot. unfortunately as with all blasted brit shows this one only has a six episode season. what the fuck to do the rest of the year?

- dave 9-05-2011 7:31 pm [link] [8 comments]

every other minute i change my mind about what tv to buy. its maddening.

- dave 9-02-2011 8:20 pm [link] [4 comments]

How Lost Should Have Ended

- mark 8-30-2011 7:47 pm [link] [add a comment]

highly recommend naoki urasawa's monster. not your run of the mill anime. kind of reminds me of a more contemplative drawn out version of the fugitive. and with 75 1/2hr episodes it should keep you entertained for some time. as for me, maybe 5 days. (on netflix streaming.)

- dave 8-16-2011 9:59 pm [link] [3 comments]

just watched the sam simon ep of the write enviornment

- bill 7-23-2011 7:31 pm [link] [add a comment]

Medical marijuana store gets Discovery reality show

- dave 7-21-2011 1:40 am [link] [add a comment]


- dave 7-19-2011 3:11 am [link] [2 comments]

not exceptionally funny but satisfying nonetheless.

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- dave 7-15-2011 6:07 am [link] [add a comment]

this is notable as i grew up with sam and some of us know him.

HBO’s consistently great TV shows have always had a literary bent, but recently the cable network has been going straight to the source to develop new shows. Perhaps spurned by the success of Jonathan Ames’s Bored to Death (based on a short story published in McSweeney’s), HBO announced last month that it was adapting Jenifer Egan’s Pulitzer-winning A Visit From the Goon Squad and this month has announced it is developing a comedy with TFT favorite Sam Lipsyte. Hollywood Reporter has the scoop:

The offbeat comedy, People City, centers on a 25-year-old man hired by an eccentric New York couple to be their child’s caretaker.

Sam Lipsyte, whose most recent novel The Ask was published by FSG last year, will write and executive produce alongside Michael London and Jocelyn Hays Simpson (both of whom are also producing on A Visit From the Goon Squad). Exciting news for fans of great writing and interesting television.

- dave 6-03-2011 9:57 pm [link] [add a comment]

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