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une nuit à l'opéra avec les frères Marx et un jeune Kitty Carlisle commence sur le tcm en ce moment.

- dave 10-20-2006 9:04 pm [link] [add a comment]

hepburn on cavet tcm now

- bill 10-20-2006 4:12 am [link] [12 comments]

playoff baseball thread

- dave 10-05-2006 6:55 pm [link] [12 comments]

Third season of Lost begins at 9 tonight. What happened when Desmond Hume turned that key? Why does the love of Desmond's life care about the "the electromagnetic anomaly"? What's so special about Jack, Kate, and Sawyer to the Others? Who are the Others? Important questions, all.
- tom moody 10-05-2006 3:39 am [link] [5 comments]

someone mentioned Heroes on nbc. caught a few minutes of it and it seemed promising. without ever having seen lost, im going to say they share a sensibility. add in an x-men factor and probably a hint of 24. watch for yourself. theres a two minute synopsis or the first episode available online.

- dave 9-28-2006 5:16 am [link] [5 comments]

fresh gilmore girls - season seven premier tonight at 8 on what used to be the w b.
- bill 9-27-2006 1:55 am [link] [add a comment]

damn. missed a fantastic movie day on tcm. anybody catch any of it?

- dave 9-16-2006 11:26 am [link] [1 comment]

katie couric about to do her first turn on 60 minutes. 911 air quality story.
- dave 9-11-2006 3:32 am [link] [add a comment]

new tennis thread.

- dave 9-04-2006 1:42 am [link] [8 comments]

watching when the levee broke on hbo on demand. 4 parts, 4 hankies.

- bill 9-04-2006 12:49 am [link] [add a comment]

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