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The Caretaker's Grueling Efforts
He doesn't see raindrops falling he sees dollar signs. He's got the blades sharpened and the tank full of gas that he stole from me. Later in the day the sky will open, the driveway will become a stream and then an etched dry creek bed. Some kind of animal died in the basement, in the bathtub down there, looks like a pretty good while ago. I can't even tell what it is but I am hoping it is not that lady's cat from across the road. Looks like an inflated stuffed animal with all the air let out of it. I could justify not cleaning it up by saying I have much else to do, which is true, but unless someone moseys onto the property today whom I can bribe with cash to do it I will have to do it myself. I don't want to though. I hope I have made that clear. What? Oh the stinkbugs seem a minor nuisance compared to that dead animal but they really have gotten out of hand up at the Bighouse. And are of course a longer term problem. I googled how to and then the letter e and google knew from that just what I wanted. How to eradicate stink bugs it filled in for me. So I got some product on order and I'll spray it around when it gets here. Looking for a dry spell in the day and then I'll off load those limbs on the trailer to the brush pile. Had to cut down that big willow by the pond. The original willow, not the four or five that have been planted since. It had been dying slowly over the last couple of years but this year it turned up just completely dead, hovering over the pond, so it is in its cut up entirety piled high on the trailer with the bottom eight feet of heavy stump cut up into manageable pieces and sitting in the back of the Polaris utility vehicle. I'm eating the last of that granola now, still eating it dry because I would have to leave the property to get milk. I fold the edges of the gallon Ziplock bag outward in a rolling fashion and I just stick my face down into the now shallower bag and then push up from the bottom forcing the good granola bits into my mouth. It's pretty much gone now. No walnuts or almonds left that's for sure. I'm going to have a second cup of coffee. I can hear cars going by behind me out there on Main Street. So somebody is out there doing something. Not everybody is just sitting around drinking coffee. Yesterday I called a air and heat guy for one last hey what the hell and if you can't come out and finish thanks for the years of service anyway but I'll need to call in someone else. And I did call someone else and they were ready to come out and the other guy called and said he would come out so I had to call the second guy back and say sorry to waste your time but thank you for being so ready and eager. I am hoping that takes care of my calling for awhile but I know it won't because I must call the pool guy today and dammit my sister who just wants to check in and have a simple brief conversation is that so hard for you to understand. Just call your sister. Why you gotta make every simple thing so damn hard? I used 23 of my 300 cell phone minutes and 10 of my 300 text messages last month. Now I'm pretty sure 13 or more of those minutes were me listening to my few messages but I can't account for the other 5 or ten minutes. Well my sister is in CA so I can't call her this early. She doesn't want to talk to me that much.
- jimlouis 5-24-2011 2:47 pm [link]