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The OAAG just sent around some startling numbers about money spent on art and culture in Ontario:
Ontarians spent $8.6 billion on cultural goods and services in 2001, four times more than the $2.2 billion spent on culture in Ontario by all levels of government in 1999-2000, the most recent year available. Ontario residents spent $830 million dollars on art works and events and $170 million dollars on admissions to museums and and heritage-related activities. In terms of municipal regions, the cultural spending of Ottawa residents ranks first among 13 municipal regions in Canada ($1027 per person). In Ottawa, $80 million was spent on art works and events and $55 million on art supplies and musical instruments (as compared with $41 million on movie theatre admissions). Toronto ranks ninth in per capita consumer cultural spending among the 13 municipal regions ($731 per person). In Toronto, total cultural spending by consumers was $3.4 billion in 2001, including $350 million on art works and events and $130 million on art supplies and musical instruments.
The research was done by Hill Strategies Research Inc. and pdf files of the full report are available at their website here.

- sally mckay 2-26-2004 4:59 pm [link] [1 comment]