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A friend showed me his copy of Tasman Richardson's recently released, Basement Boy Hardcore DVD. I like music best when there is something to look at and think about. This fit the bill perfectly and I want to watch it all again right now. The first track, "Vader Lives", is a sort of classical aesthetic dance beat b&w riff on Star Wars with ominous relevance and world events overtones. My favourite track is Destro My Tokyo with self-consciously cathartic, laser-eyed dog, multiple A-bomb, anime collage and scary music. There is a little taste of "Blackest Sabbath" here, but it doesn't remotely do the whole freaky thing justice. I especially enjoyed the contextualising segues in which Tasman and Wolfgang Bochar get drunk with Wolfgang's computer to talk about culture and other big things.

- sally mckay 5-27-2004 7:15 am [link] [5 comments]