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A little while ago I posted a picture from the Haida blockade on the Queen Charlotte Islands. There is a solidarity demonstration in Toronto this week. Here's the scoop for anyone who is interested:

Haida Solidarity Demo Against Weyerhauser
Support the Haida Nation Blockades

Thursday April 21, 5:30 p.m.
130 King St. West
Northeast corner of King and York Streets
(One block East of St. Andrew subway station)

Contact: David at
Check out:

Come out and show that we stand with the Haida and their demands for self-determination, Native rights, ancient forests, and sustainable local economies.

While Weyerhaeuser holds their Annual Shareholder Meeting in Seattle, let's join people in Haida Gwaii, Seattle, Vancouver, New York and Winnipeg to help show investors and customers that Weyerhaeuser is an unethical and unsafe corporate criminal.


- sally mckay 4-20-2005 5:17 am [link] [2 comments]