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Image from the US Navy Office of Information via Google Images

An article by Geoffrey York in last Saturday's Globe and Mail described a present day backlash against the anti-nuke peace movement, including displays of disrespect for the aging Hiroshima survivors still active as spokespeople. According to the article, "when the survivors joined a peace march in Washington, they were jeered at by passersby who shouted 'Go Home!' and 'Remember Pearl Harbour!" York also makes the point that the "concept of 'ground zero' as the epicentre of the first nuclear blast has been appropriated by New York. Ms Takeoka, an outspoken survivor of Hiroshima is quoted:
Most of those with direct memories of the atomic bomb will pass away in the near future. ... It's a big challenge for us, we are asking the younger generation to carry on our stories. ... People are more interested in the anti-terrorism campaign. The focus has shifted away from nuclear weapons. Of course the war on terrorism is important, but nothing can compare to the horror of a nuclear bomb. ... I feel very sad about the world. I have a feeling that ultimately some country will use nuclear weapons again.

- sally mckay 8-06-2005 8:09 am [link] [4 comments]