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Do You have what it takes to be a spy?

From an fluff article on CSIS:

"What does it take to become part of the intriguing world of Canadian
surveillance and intelligence?

"An interest in international affairs, a fascination with what an intelligence organization does: the mystery behind it, the secrecy that surrounds it,"

says Dan Lambert, media liaison officer for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)."

I'm interested in all that shit! Pick me! Pick me! I also have it on good authority (crap that I make up, all by myself, all the time) that Sally and her so-called neutrino community are developing a device that causes neutrinos to report back on everything they travel through.

And for a more in-depth report on this, all I'll need, right now, is an Amphibious Hydra Spider


But not in yellow. Indigo or black would be way more stealthy. (it really should be a hybrid too).

...and an iPod.

That should be it. Thank you.

- L.M. 9-18-2005 12:34 am [link] [4 comments]