GG_sm Lorna Mills and Sally McKay

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At the CNE this week I sat inside this Snowbird and this light armoured vehicle. My main impression in both instances: "Man, this thing is small." The L.A.V. —which carries 10 including the gunner and driver—seemed a particularly tight squeeze. My petite friend and I were hunched over and bumping knees as the slightly-less-than-patient man in camo answered our questions and showed us where the light bulbs were. I'm not claustrophobic, but I was very glad the door and hatch were both open.


Also this band was playing...
army band

It sure feels like war time around here, what with the news reporting near-daily Canadian casualities and all. I remember when I was a kid the idea of Canada going to war again was unimaginable and terrifying. Now I find it dismal, sad and mind-numbing. 2009 seems like a long way off.

- sally mckay 8-25-2007 7:29 pm [link] [6 comments]