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What gives Globe and Mail? Pallisers.gif

You were one of the newspapers that endorsed Harper in the last election. Remember the one that was held about 15 minutes ago?

pal3 pal2.jpg
This week, Canadian Politics have turned into a garden party worthy of Anthony Trollope's Palliser novels.

But it gets better, according to Andrew Steele's Globe article about the options that Harper can exercise to remain in power, one is to "Preemptively Remove Michaëlle Jean" (the GG) however,
"This is the true nuclear option for Harper: a preemptive strike against Jean to remove her from office, and replace her with a governor-general sympathetic to the argument that the people should decide in an election."


"Mr. Harper could advise the Queen that Ms. Jean should be removed from office, perhaps noting her past dalliance with Quebec separatism as grounds. He would then be free to appoint someone who would agree to call an election or prorogue rather than call upon Mr. Dion to form a Ministry.

The difference is critical here. In Australia, the issue was the Senate refusing to pass supply. Prime Minister Whitlam had a majority in the lower house, which is normally supreme in matters of confidence. But PM Harper does not have a majority in the Commons, has not tested the will of Parliament and an alternative administration enjoys a majority of support.

To call this option risky is a grave understatement. Not only would it threaten the role of the monarchy in Canada, but parliamentary supremacy back to the Magna Carta would be called into question."

Also could some please make this logo 3D. I only have Easy GIF Animator.


(Harper wants to destroy the Magna Carta)

- L.M. 12-03-2008 1:08 am [link] [13 comments]