This one's for Shwarz: Libeskind's Toronto project in progress. The so-called crystal is pretty cool looking in its current eyebeam wireframe incarnation. Images below are from the Royal Ontario's Museum's website.

now (webcam)

rom webcam

future (see "fly-by")

rom drawing

- sally mckay 7-06-2005 6:42 pm

looks like a zeppelin crash. oh the humanity!
- bill 7-06-2005 6:57 pm

They should just stop right where they are and let that eyebeam structure be a weird, unexplained appendage to the old building. As planned, it looks like the Gehry syndrome of PR bombast has struck hard. If the building is going to be "sculpture" it's better in the state it's currently in. (Criticism based solely on photographic images.)
- tom moody 7-06-2005 7:03 pm

"a crystal locked in limestone"... the old part of the buidling is made of limestone, but just cause something has irregular flat planes doesn't make it a crystal! I know I'm being pedantic, but everyone in TO refers to this thing as "the crystal" and it's more hyperbole.

My friend J. has an insightful complaint about the current state of architecture, I'll try to paraphrase: he says that these bigtime architects are just dropping their "sculptures" about the globe, leaving their mark. We citizens can say "we got a Libeskind", and plonk our new bauble down in the middle of town. Whereas big significant public buildings used to take decades and decades to construct, with multiple generations working on the building, making the edifice a community endeavour by default. ...Well, that sounds more sucky and resistant to change than the way J. put it, but you get the drift.

- sally mckay 7-06-2005 7:50 pm

they find a "formula"and then keep repeating and repeating (ala Frank G and the aftermath of his Bilboa effect, as tom moody points out). This for example, looks an awful lot like his design for the Victoria and Albert Museum
- selma 7-06-2005 8:15 pm

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