GG_sm Lorna Mills and Sally McKay

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Bomb Ride by Anitra Hamilton

Part of an upcoming group show "Run For Your Lives" curated by Diane Barber, opening at Diverseworks, Houston on September 7, 2006.

- L.M. 7-29-2006 7:27 pm [link] [3 comments]


Still Life With Fruit by Anitra Hamilton

defused hand grenades covered with various eggshells:
L to R, Pear - French WW1 (duck), Pineapple (emu) and Cherry (robin and
starling). (Pineapple and Cherry are both US WW2.)

- L.M. 7-28-2006 9:44 pm [link] [add a comment]


....she's packing.

- L.M. 7-28-2006 9:43 pm [link] [add a comment]