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Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five

Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby 1944

Beware 1946 from the movie "Beware"

Jumpin' At The Jubilee with the Nicholas Brothers?

The top two clips are from movies that were historically referred to as Race Films. Years ago the CBC broadcast them on Saturday afternoons.

- L.M. 6-22-2008 7:16 am [link] [2 comments]



Following up on a quote from Tom Moody which I'll repeat:
"Artists, too, have to compete with real world content far more captivating than anything they could come up with, which the Internet effectively gathers all in one place (sneezing Pandas, etc). Two possible responses are (1) to continually rise above it through aesthetic and conceptual framing and posturing or (2) to disappear into it and trust the viewer to ultimately sort out what's going on. The Web is a consumer's medium, not a producer's, so the artist is inexorably led to consumption as a "practice." The degree of criticality can only be inferred, not implied."
Here are some more posts on net aesthetics.

- L.M. 6-20-2008 9:02 pm [link] [8 comments]


(found and for your sweet dreams)

- L.M. 6-20-2008 5:48 am [link] [add a comment]

Bill Burns ... sardonic, suave and smart as whip. He has a nice show on right now at Michael Klein's gallery on Ossington called Some Dogs and Boats and Airplanes.

bill burns doggie

The show ends on Saturday, so drop by this week if you want to see it. There are a couple of really funny letter-writing projects. I don't want to give spoilers, so take my word for it, but here's a hint, there's some fun for those of us who love to hate Fantino and some more fun for people who are sick to death of yogurt yogurt everywhere yogurt as if yogurt was the answer to all of life's ills. Also a funny watercolour treat for Toronto artists who have been snubbed by Toronto curators. And, of course, a lot of very cute doggies.

- sally mckay 6-19-2008 3:28 pm [link] [8 comments]

Andrew Wright - Survey
Curated by Chantal Rousseau for Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art
401 Richmond Street West, Suite 124, Toronto.

Opening: Thursday, June 19 - 7 to 10pm.

Mike Grace, Able Seaman, Cook 2008 Lightjet print, 28.6 x 44.2 cm

- L.M. 6-18-2008 7:20 am [link] [1 comment]

Oh shitfuckdamn, we missed LuminaTO didn't we? Leah Sandals does the math.

(via simpleposie)

(was I supposed to go to it?)
- L.M. 6-18-2008 5:51 am [link] [1 comment]